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Dave Shead Trumpet

 David studied full time at the Royal College of Music with John Wallace and Michael Laird.

Whilst there he also studied conducting with the late John Forster.


Since leaving the College David has combined a freelance playing career with teaching in many prestigious schools in England including

Sherborne School and Wells Cathedral School.


David has played with many of the leading orchestras in the UK and has been principal trumpet with the London Festival Orchestra for many years. He also played with the Wilbraham Brass Soloists which was run by the great trumpet player John Wilbraham.

As well as orchestral work David has also played in West End shows and many chamber ensembles.


He has toured extensively with orchestras and by invitation has given recitals and masterclasses in Brunei and the Far East. David has recorded many orchestral and solo CD’s and has performed live broadcasts for the BBC, one being Brandenburg 2.


David worked in  Oman for a few years as the Trumpet teacher for the Royal Oman Symphony Orchestra. Whilst there he performed a couple of Trumpet concertos with the Orchestra. Since returning to England David has resumed his professional playing career as a freelance player performing recitals, concertos and orchestral playing. He is also the Trumpet teacher at Wellington School in Somerset and The Musical Director of Sherborne town band.


He has taught extensively at all levels and has many ex pupils in the profession.

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